Friday, February 27, 2009

Lights and floorboards

Our entrance hall light, needs to be a little lower we think.
Our front door. The panels will all be filled with a patterned glass.
At last, stairs from the dining room down to our loungeroom. No more worrying about slipping down a plank!
Our magnificent cornice all painted up. We are so happy with our choice to go for the big stuff!
The Rumpus Room.
Looking into the Dining Room from the Kitchen. These pendants will hang over our dining table.
My cafe area. You can see the edge of the kitchen bulk head with it's downlights in!

Things are going well. Painting is all done, floorboards have started. The power got connected today which was great. We were told we might have a delay due to all the work that needs doing in the fire areas. So now we have light switches and power points that work!!
Plumbing is going well, one toilet at least will go in on Monday and the water and sewerage will all be connected. We just need to raise one of our tanks a bit and get them filled with some more water. Now we have power, we can connect the pump up properly too.
So, by early next week we will have the basics of a functioning house! True, I don't have a kitchen yet and the stairs to upstairs aren't done. Still, we can move up there into our caravan and survive quite well for a few weeks.
For anyone who is worried about our insurance situation, we have informed out Construction Insurers of our plans to live in the caravan and use a bathroom and the laundry. They are fine with that and we will still be insured. Once we have our Occupancy Certificate, we will then get ordinary Home Insurance. I have had a few friends mention that we need to be careful and that is true. Making sure we are insured properly over the transition period is important. With our Contents Insurance, we have advised them that we are moving and they give us a two week cross over period where things are insured at both addresses. As long as the new house is lockable (which it is now), we are fine. Just something to think about if ever you build you own home!!! Cya.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Our gorgeous cornice and the deck!

Excavation work done at the back.
Stage One of the deck. It will eventually extend out another 8 metres or so straight out over the fern gully. It also runs to the left of screen to the dining room and kitchen servery.
Our lovely Victorian cornice. Our plasterer hated it (very hard to put up) but we love it!
The cornice in the kitchen. Darren loves bulkheads!!
The paint colours on the dormers. I've waited a long time to see this finished!!

Almost there......

At last, the weatherboards are done on the dormer windows. The whole outside is done now, boards, eaves, everything except paint on some of it.
This is Jake's room with the doors out onto the balcony.
Darren doing something, Amber watching.
The bath is in!!!
Our beautiful house.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

The latest work.....

Dan has been working soooooo hard this week!!

Upstairs, looking into the kids computer area. Tim and Matt's rooms are on the left.
Upstairs, looking the other way into Jake's room. The bathrooms are to the left and the passage on the right leads to Ben's and Nick and Amber's rooms.
Nick and Amber on their balcony upstairs. Of course it will have a rail!! Both Nick and Amber's room and Jake's room have french doors out onto this balcony. I am standing in Jake's doorway to take the photo.
Jake's room, all painted! Notice the nice ceiling fans. We have one in every bedroom.
The formal lounge room downstairs which is meant to be for Darren and I to relax and watch TV in.
The kitchen area, looking into my "bag room" where the kids will dump all their bags and school stuff. Notice the "in" and "out" design. You can see the "U" shaped bulkhead on the ceiling, this mirrors the shape of the kitchen benches. The left hand wall is where the pantry, fridge and a kids bench area will be.
The front verandah downstairs. The balcony is on top of this upstairs.
The front entrance. The bricks have been cleaned (a guy comes and does it with acid) and the floorboards have been laid.

Things are moving along but it seems slow to those of us just watching! There are so many things being done that aren't immediately noticeable, like "no more gapping" everywhere, eave sheets, fiddly weatherboard bits in between windows etc. The plastering has slowed down. There's only about 3 days work left to do, sanding downstairs but the guys have gone back to their full time job and have to squeeze us in. Upstairs is almost done. The skirting boards and architraves are coming next week as is the carpet layer to measure up. We have chosen some lovely carpets. The bath is in downstairs so we need to get the rest of it done too. We will only have one bathroom finished when we move in. We will also not have a kitchen yet but it will be fine just to use the BBQ and gas burner like we do in the caravan!! We can use the laundry for dishes etc. I just want to move in already!!!