Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Retaining walls

We have begun building our first retaining wall and have had a lot of excavation done in the past week. I am amazed at the colour of the soil we are digging out - a rich red which I have seen on the farms at Monbulk but didn't expect here. Hopefully it will grow a nice vegie patch one day!

Here are the latest photos!

This is where our lower level garage will go. All this has to be retained with big L-shaped steel rods going through the trench and up the wall between the bricks. The trench and the wall cavity is then filled with concrete.

This is the big retaining wall along the top of the land. The steel posts go up to 2m into the ground!

The same wall at the highest point. This is the corner where the upper garage will be. The area behing the wall will be backfilled and tree ferns will stay where they are.

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