I have been a bit pre-occupied lately with our finances. The bottom line is that this house has cost way more than we estimated it would and it has taken way longer to build. This has meant more time without income for Darren and we have ended up having to borrow more than we anticipated... so we now have a big mortgage.
Our construction loan was up at the end of May. It was a special loan just for the construction period and we had to either roll it over into a normal home loan with the same finance company, or re-finance with another institution. We have been paying a high interest rate (8.2% at present) up till now due to our circumstances (owner builders, low actual income over last few years due to focusing on our own homes, etc.) but we had always assumed that once the house was finished, we could revert to a "normal" interest rate, say in the 5% area with one of the big banks. As interest rates are pretty low at the moment, our rather large mortgage was still affordable if we worked hard.
Then, last week, we were rejected by one of the major banks due to our lack of income. We were devastated. We thought Darren taking time off work to build would work in our favour financially (rather than paying someone else) but now it was to be our downfall. Our current lender had offered to extend our loan for a year but at an interest rate of 7.2%. This just tipped the scales for us. It made our montly repayment seem too much, just not worth it. We started feeling like we should just sell up. We would end up with enough money to buy something else. We just felt like we had bitten off too much at one time, taken too big a leap. We had built a house that was just too big, too grand, too expensive in the end. If we had just gone for something more normal, we wouldn't be in this position. We felt like we had failed. Failed ourselves, failed God, failed our kids. It was horrible.
Since then, we have done a lot of thinking. It would be such a shame to sell now. The house is no where near it's potential, not to mention the limited market for unfinished homes. We decided that no matter what, we have to finish our dream, finish the house until it is beautiful and amazing. Then, if we do sell, we will get a good profit and it will have been worth it all. Darren has gone back to work, I am looking for a job too and we have decided we can do it. We are committed to finishing this house, albeit more slowly now. God has not brought us this far just to have it all turn sour. There is hope for the future. It is going to be financially harder than we thought but it is not as bad as we first thought either. The bank has said that after we have had a few months of solid income, we can re-apply and hopefully get that lower rate. It was more the shock of being rejected. It wasn't something we had considered. I guess it is part of the current economic climate, banks are just being very careful with their lending.
So, it has been a funny couple of weeks. A bit of a rollercoaster in emotions but we have all calmed down now. On we go..... with a smile and with gratitude for what we do have in life!!
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Homeloa-n.info Team
I'm so glad you're feeling back on top of things again. Financial difficulties are such an emotional and spiritual challenge to face in so many ways. Can't wait to hear what happens with you on the job search front.
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