Thursday, October 30, 2008

Darren is grumpy

Poor Darren is very grumpy. The roofers finally came back and finished after starting about 5 weeks ago. It was only about 6 days work! The roof looks great but there are a few little mistakes. One line of screws has popped out, they mustn't have been screwed into the timber properly. Also, different parts of the roof have corners cut off in different ways. I would never have noticed but Darren looks at every little detail and things like that annoy him greatly. So we'll have to call the supervisor and get it fixed up. Darren really didn't like the roof guys much. They were arrogant. He was hoping they could help him cut in the skylights and offered them a slab but they just said no. He is glad they have gone and hopes someone else will come to fix things up. We have windows now!

Here's a pic of our lovely roof. I can hear the music from the Colourbond Ad in the background!

This is from inside the lounge room with the dormer window.

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